Projects / Apps

This is a list of my side projects, at least the ones I think are good enough to release onto the world. Most are built with Ruby, but I have one iPhone app in the list. If you have any questions or feedback on any of these projects feel free to email me - my address is in the about page.

Ruby Gems

Not exactly applications, but I have created a few Ruby gems to help me out on a few projects over the years. Some are more useful than others, but hopefully someone else will find them useful aside from me.

Hillnav GPS

My second side project, and the first I charged money for. Hillnav GPS is a simple navigation iPhone application. I created it as I had a need for the app myself, and I wanted to learn iPhone development to try something different.


My first complete side-project, the Database Generic Installer - DBGeni. It is a Ruby gem that applies changes to databases using Ruby on Rails style migration scripts, designed to encourage automation and testing of database changes.