This is a list of my side projects, at least the ones I think are good enough to release onto the world. Most are built with Ruby, but I have one iPhone app in the list. If you have any questions or feedback on any of these projects feel free to email me - my address is in the about page.
Not exactly applications, but I have created a few Ruby gems to help me out on a few projects over the years. Some are more useful than others, but hopefully someone else will find them useful aside from me.
My second side project, and the first I charged money for. Hillnav GPS is a simple navigation iPhone application. I created it as I had a need for the app myself, and I wanted to learn iPhone development to try something different.
My first complete side-project, the Database Generic Installer - DBGeni. It is a Ruby gem that applies changes to databases using Ruby on Rails style migration scripts, designed to encourage automation and testing of database changes.