The end of the year is almost here, so maybe it's worthwhile having a think about what I achieved this year in general life (ie not just behind a computer terminal). So here goes:
- I learned to juggle, 3 balls well, 4 balls badly. Its still a work in progress and is surprisingly fun.
- I launched a web application to do group code reviews, but subsequently closed it down. I could have stuck with it, but it wasn't really good enough and getting users was hard. Still, it was a first step and I have more ideas in the pipeline.
- I broke my personal best swimming times. My PB 1km time is now 15 minutes 5 seconds, a 20 second improvement. My 100M and 200M times have improved a lot too.
- I started this blog.
- I went hiking for the first time, up actual mountains and immediately wondered why it took me 30 years to discover it.
- I am doing better than ever in my day job, but have realised with everyday that goes past that I need to do something other than work for a mega-corporation for the rest of my days.
- I tried surfing and loved it, despite being a total novice.
- I played Frisbee for the first time in years.
- I went sledging in the snow in the park for the first time since I was a child.
- I learned a few new tricks in the kitchen
- I turned 30 years old.
So what is on the horizon for 2011?
- Start getting some content onto this blog.
- Launch at least another web application or online business idea.
- Learn to surf well.
- Break 15 minutes for a 1km swim.
- Go on a great holiday or two.
- Adopt a new 'give anything a go' attitude.
- Have fun at every opportunity
I achieved or learned a few other things which I am not going to reveal publically, but overall I think its not a bad list. I could have done more, but I certainly could have done a lot less.
Always be learning and always be trying new things - that is the motto for 2011!